Monthly Archives: October 2018

What is an IBM Champion?


I’m glad you asked. IBM describes it as:

“IBM Champions demonstrate both expertise in and extraordinary support and advocacy for IBM technology, communities, and solutions.

The IBM Champion program recognizes these innovative thought leaders in the technical community and rewards these contributions by amplifying their voice and increasing their sphere of influence. IBM Champions are enthusiasts and advocates: IT professionals, business leaders, developers, executives, educators, and influencers who support and mentor others to help them get the most out of IBM software, solutions, and services.”

Champions are the people who put in the extra effort to make a difference in the technical community around IBM products.  There are several areas of expertise that IBM recognizes champions:

Cloud Integration
Power Systems

You can read more about it at the IBM Champion website and get more details about what they are and how to nominate someone for the recognition by watching this webcast from IBM.


Pre-release Domino 10 webinar on 10/4/2018 at 2PM EDT

1200x350_DominoV10_1Learn more about Domino 10 and a bit on how we can assist you in maximizing its benefits ASAP.  Register for the webinar  I am doing in conjunction with Sirius Computer Solutions and IBM.  The webinar is tomorrow at 2PM EDT.  It is free, but you must register in advance. Register here.